14-Day Minimalism Challenge

Mar 21, 2020
Hey friends!


I hope that you and your loved ones are all staying safe. These past few weeks, with COVID-19 spreading rapidly into the western world, I know a lot of us have felt immense fear and anxiety. 

That being said, social distancing has also been a nice reminder to find appreciation in the simple things which we all take for granted on the day-to-day. 

Therefore, I wanted to take this time as an opportunity for us all to make small, actionable steps towards SIMPLIFYING and MINIMIZING our life.

In doing this, we are able to spend more mental and physical energy on the things that we value most. Plus, it’s a nice distraction from all of the overwhelming and anxiety-provoking news.


minimalism 14-day challenge (2)

So, what is minimalism?

-removing ITEMS and HABITS that distract us from the things that we value most

-being INTENTIONAL and IN CONTROL of what you spend your time, energy and money on



What are the benefits of minimalism?

-Reduced stress! Less ‘stuff’ means that you have fewer things to worry about

-more time and energy to spend on things that you love

-less clutter, more organization

-more space – physically and mentally

-you save money!


Feel free to complete this challenge on your own, or send it to a group of friends so that you can all participate together! I recently completed the full 14 days myself, and was left feeling lighter, and less burdened by my thoughts and ‘stuff.’

As promised, here is the schedule:

14-day minimalism challenge

Interested in making your own mental wellness a priority?

Hop on a FREE call with Carolyn, the founder of Just Breathe Mama, to find out how her services can support your motherhood journey on a more personal level.

Free call? Why not!

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