A Simple Shower Meditation

Apr 12, 2020

Showering has always been a way for me to relax and unwind when I’m feeling stressed. 

I had heard about the idea of a shower meditation recently, and decided to give it a try given that it is another opportunity to easily incorporate mindfulness throughout my day.

The more that we learn be mindful and live in the present moment, the more our minds become free from worry.

I really encourage you to give this easy shower meditation a try!  It can be easily incorporated into a morning or nighttime routine, and I found it to be extremely therapeutic.

Related post: How to create a mindful morning routine



 shower meditation

A simple shower meditation


Step 1. Set the mood.

Create a calm environment by setting the mood within the bathroom. 

Now, how far you want to go with this step definitely depends on how much time you have to spare! 

But, something as simple as turning on calming music, lighting a candle, dimming the lights or diffusing aromatherapy can help to turn on that switch in your brain which says ‘it’s time to relax.’



Step 2: Beginning your shower.

The very beginning of the shower is an opportunity to tune in and be super mindful as your physical body adjusts to the new environment. 

Some things you can take notice of:

-The temperature of the water as it warms up or cools down your physical body

-The sound of the water

-The feel of the water as it falls over different parts of your body

-Actively relaxing the muscles where the water is falling

-Your breath



Step 3: Wash, wash, wash.

Shampoo: As you shampoo and rinse your hair, imagine that you are bringing to the surface and then washing away all your negative thoughts that no longer serve you

-Conditioning: Imagine that you are adding soothing and positive thoughts into your mind

-Face: Wash away any self-criticism or self-judgement

Chest: Wash away anything that is preventing you from loving yourself, and loving others

Stomach: Wash away any unhealthy desires

-Arms: Wash away anything that is preventing you from helping others

-Legs: Wash away negativity that is preventing you from believing in your abilities

-Final rinse: Feel your emotions ‘drip’ off of you.



Step 4: Step out, dry off.

As you step out of the shower to dry off, think of it as an opportunity for you to start over. A FRESH START.

Let go of anything that happened yesterday, or earlier in the day. You now have a clean slate to move forward. 

Notice your feet on the ground. Notice your calm surroundings. You’ve got this!



So there you go – it’s really as simple as that! Next time your shower, give this little technique a try and then comment below to tell me how it made you feel.

Much love,


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